Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So we played some Oregon Trail.

We are so good at it you guys.

4:45 PM Jason: I just killed you on oregon trail
you had a fever but I refused to rest
4:46 PM Josh: haha
you are a jerk
but for the greater good I guess
I am so utilitarian
and selfless
and handsome
4:47 PM I see a reoccurring theme
you are always killing meJason: evan was the only other one who made it
but he had two broken arms
and we had to eat the oxen
Josh: haha
where can i play it?
4:48 PM Jason:
5:56 PM Josh: hurgle burgle
6:01 PM my family is gonna die on 6this trail jason
I am a terrible hunter
Jason: haha
Josh: this trail
Jason: you're a banker from chicago aren't you
you lilly liver puss cake
Josh: no carpenter
Jason: only the strong survive
Josh: fagatron
Jason: haha
Josh: this game just made the show
6:02 PM Jason: I like putting in on GRULEING PACE, BAREBONES rations, then fording every river no matter how deep
Josh: oh no Sam has a broken leg
what to do
Jason: oh nooo
Josh: i'ma eat him
6:03 PM Jason: for the good of all
Josh: so say we all
Jason: haha
6:04 PM oh no, you just got lost in the woods for 5 days
Josh: they wouldn't let me eat him
no find me
injuns in them there woods
Jason: whoops you died
6:05 PM Josh: jason!
6:06 PM stop killing me
Jason: I just killed a buffalo though
so things are looking up
6:08 PM Josh: well too bad I didn't live long enough to see it
why we let him lead
Jason: we are having a BBQ in your honor
Josh: okay
that's cool
6:09 PM Jason: oh no emily has cholera
Josh: no save her
I love her!!!
Jason: no we have to get to oregon before the first snow fall
love is not a factor
Josh: haha
6:12 PM Jason: oh wait no you're still alive
patrick had died
but now you have a snakebite
6:13 PM Josh: okay, as long as it's part of god's plan... I can't live without Emily anyhow
Jason: don't worry we'll all be together again soon in vallhalla (i always crash the wagon on the rocks at the end)
6:14 PM oh no now emily has MEASLES
Josh: haha
she's a liability
kill her already
Jason: what would admiral adama do
6:15 PM Josh: kill her for the greater good... so say we all
6:16 PM Jason: now you have typhoid
oh god
Josh: we are all dragging you down
Jason: I'll make it to oregon
with or without you
6:17 PM Josh: that's why you're the leader
Jason: i make the hard decisions
6:18 PM Josh: black heart comes in handy I guess
Jason: uh oh out of food
Josh: sux
6:19 PM Jason: allison died
Josh: noooo!!!!!!
am I alive?
Jason: yeah but you have cholera and a broken leg
Josh: nice
I'ma fighter
6:20 PM Jason: if you survive the crash then you were meant to live in oregon
Jason: nope you drowned
Josh: whoops
6:21 PM Jason: whoops we all died
6:22 PM Josh: that's our admiral Jason


  1. how come idear is spelled with an "r" in the web address by not the page title? Signed, Grammer Po-Po

  2. Because all iterations of "ideafactory" were already taken from the actual addresses. Unjust, I know.
