Monday, May 4, 2009


We love all the sciences, and anything stomp related...

Josh: reverse burn
Jason: ice burn
Josh: that's so cool it's hot
is that how that works
Jason: now you're catching on
12:25 PM now i'll break into a song about it
Josh: ... wow! that was an amazing song.
12:26 PM Jason: yeah it was fucking nuts up here
you could probably only hear the base
here I'm gonna stomp on the floor
tell me if you can hear it
Josh: yes
Jason: sweet
Josh: that is great
Jason: lets communicate with Morse code
12:27 PM Josh: OKAY! I need a broom. You're right above me BTW.
Jason: it was fate
Josh: indeed.

: here is a thank you stomp
12:37 PM Josh: thanks. I'm a good friend.
Jason: SUCH a good friend
Josh: awwwww
12:38 PMI wish I could stomp my love to the heavens, but lamentably I can't.
Jason: I wonder if I got on the floor
and you put your ear to the ceiling
if we could talk
12:41 PM Josh: I bet if I lifted a ceiling tile and stuck my head up there, and then you'd yell, we could. Then I'd would probably get fired though. Let's try it...
Jason: yeah who cares if you get fired
this is for SCIENCE
Josh: I believe in science before all else.
12:42 PM I'm like Dr. Frankenstein and stuff.
I went to Science U
12:43 PM not Sci State... that's party school
Jason: Oh deaaaaaar sciiiiiiii-U
12:44 PM How we love you sooooo
Teach us about sciiiiiience
As we onward goooo
Guess what
I went to sci u too
Josh: no way.
class of 3020
Jason: Did you have Dr. Tiberius Claw for "Laser Mechanics and Death Ray Posits" 101?
12:47 PM Josh: yes. What about Doc Brown for Fluxcapasator, Deloreans and time travel?
It was a graduate level class
Jason: that was a fucking rad class

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